FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for Genesis

Is this GTAV Online?

No, this is FiveM with GTAV.

How can I join?
To join, you will need to register an account on the community forum at https://genesisrp.gg and become whitelisted.

Can I play this on a console?
No, FiveM is only available on PC.

What do I need to join?
To join, you will need a PC, a gaming headset with a working microphone, a copy of GTAV installed on your PC, and a copy of FiveM installed on your PC.

Can I join the police department right away?
No, you will need to apply for any whitelisted job after joining the server.

Can I get a job when I join?
You may be able to join any job that has available openings, as long as you meet the qualifications for the job.

Can I get moved up in rank faster if I donate?
Donating does not effect your rank within departments or orgs.

How do I become whitelisted?
You can become whitelisted by filling out an application after registering an account on the community forum.

Why do I need to link my Discord and cfx account to my forum account.
Discord can be unreliable sometimes but linking your discord account allows you access to the necessary channels in discord. Because FiveM is operated by cfx when FiveM is down you know that cfx is down. Linking your cfx account to the forum means that it doesn't matter if discord is working or not. If cfx is up then that means FiveM is up and you won't have to miss RP because discord is down.

How do I create a cfx account?
Go to https://forum.cfx.re/ and create an account.

I've connected my account to Discord, but my role hasn't changed.
If you've connected your forum account to Discord but your role hasn't changed, you may need to disconnect your Discord account from your forum account and reconnect them.
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